What is FAS 5 now called?

What is FAS 5 now called?

What is FAS 5?

If a contingent liability is deemed probable, it must be directly reported in the financial statements. Contingency estimate by state or legal entity — If you plan to perform a sample or use an alternative method to estimate the contingency, be prepared to identify the amount of the exposure by state, by legal entity and by period. This will be necessary to properly account for the accrual in the financial statements and to update the accrual periodically. Once you have determined that a contingency exists, you must determine whether the contingency may bereasonably estimated. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines reasonable as “being within the bounds of reason.” Since sales and use taxes are transaction based, quantifying any of the above-mentioned potential contingencies could require reviewing large amounts of data even to calculate an estimated amount of liability or a range of liability.

FAS 5 requires the accrual of a loss contingency when information available prior to the issuance of the financial statements indicates it is probable that an asset has been impaired at the date of the financial statements and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. These conditions may be considered in relation to individual loans or in relation to groups of similar types of loans. If the conditions are met, accrual should be made even though the particular loans that are uncollectible may not be identifiable. Under FAS 114, an individual loan is impaired when, based on current information and events, it is probable that a creditor will be unable to collect all amounts due according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement.

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In FSP FAS 141Ra , FASB proposed to amend FAS 141R to require measurement at (acquisition-date) fair value if it can be reasonably determined. It provided guidance for assessing when fair value could be reasonably determined. If it could not be reasonably determined, then measurement would proceed according to FAS 5 and FIN 14 instructions and the resulting measurement value would be called the future settlement amount. The codification is effective for interim and annual periods ending after September 15, 2009. All other accounting literature not included in the Codification is now deemed nonauthoritative.

What is FAS 5?

As you will soon see, my critique addresses a larger problem having to do with how poorly uncertainty is dealt with in key financial reporting standards. In FSP FAS 141R-1 , FASB has amended FAS 141R to require measurement at (acquisition-date) fair value “if can be determined.” FAS 141R-1 does not provide guidance on making that determination. If fair value cannot be determined, then the recognition criteria and guidance of FAS 5 and FIN 14 apply, i.e., recognition if a liability is probable and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. Following initial recognition, a company “shall develop a systematic and rational basis” for subsequent measurement of liabilities, “depending on their nature.” FAS 141R-1 gives no guidance on developing that systematic and rational basis. Item 103, Legal Proceedings Requires disclosure of material pending legal proceedings against the company arising from federal, state, and local environmental laws.

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The problems that can happen when babies are exposed to alcohol are grouped together and called fetal alcohol spectrum disorders . But, regardless of the FASB’s motives for promulgating SFAS 5 as it did, it was neither in the public interest, nor is it consistent with the PCAOB’s mission, to continue to follow their conveniently vague approach to dealing with uncertainty set forth in SFAS 5. In particular, investor protection is less than it could be due to the ambiguation through weasel words of the point between “more than remote” and “reasonably possible” in AS 5 (i.e, Point B in the above diagram). Blurring terminology adds judgment and cost to financial reporting while providing no discernible purpose that is consistent with the mission of the PCAOB. I now want to explain why weasel words to express uncertainty inevitably result in low quality standards of financial reporting. I’ll be discussing FAS 5 and AS 5, but as with my comment letter, my focus will be on AS 5. Let’s start with a common example outside of the realm of financial reporting.

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With respect to disclosures, ASC 450 requires the entity to disclose the nature of the unasserted claim or loss contingency, and either an estimate of the possible loss, a range of the possible loss, or a statement that such an estimate cannot be made, be disclosed. Customer obligations/indemnifications — When quantifying your exposure, consider customer obligations. For example, your company may have failed to collect sales tax on taxable sales, something that could result in the need for an accrual. However, contact your customer to see if they have already self assessed and paid the tax, paid the tax as a result of a tax assessment, should have issued a resale or exemption certificate, or would be willing to be invoiced for the tax. If so, and assuming it can be reasonably estimated, your exposure should be modified to take this into account. All the situations described above must be considered when evaluating whether the contingency is probable. For example, taxing authorities have never identified the exposure as a result of an audit examination or imposed an assessment.

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Abrigo’s ALLL.com resource website has many articles and other aids for calculating the FAS 5 portion of the ALLL for financial institutions not yet subject to CECL, FASB ASC Topic 326, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses. It is the combination of the extensive use of financial leverage (i.e., borrowing to invest, leaving limited funds in the event of recession), margin calls and large reported losses that may have exacerbated the crisis. If cash flow-derived value — which excludes market judgment as to default risk but may also more accurately represent “actual” value if the market is sufficiently distressed https://accounting-services.net/ — is used , the size of market-value adjustments required by the accounting standard would be typically reduced. FAS 143, Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations, June 2001 Instructs on disclosure of a material asset retirement obligation, which is a commitment for action to be taken in the future before those assets can be retired. GAAP is a common set of generally accepted accounting principles, standards, and procedures. FAS 5 is an underlying source of accounting guidance factoring into the calculation of the allowance for loan and lease losses , and it applies to entities not yet subject to CECL.

What is FAS 5?

The session defines available methodologies, explains some of the pros and cons of each and helps bankers plan for that part of the allowance for loan and lease losses. Credit losses on off-balance sheet credit exposures should be estimated in accordance with FAS 5. Over-the-counter derivatives, in contrast, are formula-based financial contracts What is FAS 5? between buyers and sellers, and are not traded on exchanges, so their market prices are not established by any active, regulated market trading. Market values are, therefore, not objectively determined or available readily . During their early development, OTC derivatives such as interest rate swaps were not marked to market frequently.


Cruising under the radar of many analysts, however, are a few new accounting standards that could yield even more confusion and chaos. Among them are Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 141R, “Business Combinations,” and FAS No. 160, “Noncontrolling Interests in Consolidated Financial Statements.” Both standards are effective for fiscal years beginning after 15 December 2008. The determination of whether an account or disclosure is significant is based on inherent risk, without regard to the effect of controls. Financial statements and related disclosures refers to a company’s financial statements and notes to the financial statements as presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”). References to financial statements and related disclosures do not extend to the preparation of management’s discussion and analysis or other similar financial information presented outside a company’s GAAP-basis financial statements and notes.

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